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Pizza hut salad filling- like a pro

No matter how many pizzerias you have in your vicinity, but Pizza hut salad is the real steal ! You have to admit one time filling keeps your hunger greed pushing to limits while regretting not making enough of the salad options.
What if I tell you, your salab bowl can be filled up while avoiding mess like a pro?
Fill up base of the bowl with creamy salad , stick carrots in the shape of bowl, this will make your salad bowl bigger and decent to look at! Finger shaped carrots will be the exterior rim to shape in toyour bigger bowl.
 No more dripping , voila your bowl is big enough to accommodate more of the salad, now spread lettuce/ice berg over it, add spaghetti layer it with thousand island sauce, then again lettuce layer top any of your favorite salad item, keep repeating till you are satisfied with the flavorsome bowl.
This lettuce layer will help each salad stay separate without ruining flavors.
Enjoy every flavor individually, thank me later!

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